Thursday, October 24, 2019

Joan of Arc: Gender-Bending Woman Who Changed History

Joan of Arc at the Coronation of Charles VII, 1854

Almost everyone has heard of Joan of Arc, and she is usually most known for being a canonized saint. However Joan of Arc accomplished much more within her lifetime that some may not know of. She referred to herself as "Jehanna la Pucelle," or "Joan the Maid." This signified that she was a virgin, which was an important distinction given the reason that her society held female virginity before marriage in high regard. She was most known for the nickname known as "The Maid of Orléans"(3).

Joan was born around 1412 in Northern France. She grew up in the village of Domrémy, in a family of poor tenant farmers, where she was never taught how to read or write. At the age of 13, Joan began to claim that she was hearing voices inside her head. She came to the conclusion that these voices had been sent by God to give her a mission of overwhelming importance. This mission was to save France by getting rid of its enemies and to install Charles as its rightful king. As a part of Joan's divine mission, she took a vow of chastity. At the age of 16, her father attempted to set up an arranged marriage for her. Because of the vow she had taken, she was able to successfully convince a local court that she should not be forced into this (2). 

At the age of 17, Joan had finally set out to do what she had been told to. She fought alongside Charles, after finally being able to convince him she belonged there with them. Joan appeared victorious on this journey until the England allies captured her during a small battle. The Burgundians kept her captive for several months, and finally exchanged her back to the English for 10,000 francs (1). 

During her trial, Joan was charged with 70 different accounts. These included witchcraft, heresy, and dressing like a man. Instead of being held in a church prison with nuns as the guards, she was held in a military prison. During this time, she was threatened of rape and torture (1). Her strength during this time is one of the biggest reasons she is an advocate for being a woman warrior. Finally, on May 29, 1431, it was announced that Joan of Arc was guilty of heresy, which meant that her religious beliefs were contrary to the beliefs of the England allies. At only the age of 19, Joan was taken to the marketplace in Rouen and burned at the stake, in front of a lard crowd to see (2). 

Despite Joan's young age, she demonstrated extreme bravery throughout her lifetime. She came from a humble beginning, and she achieved things that should have been impossible for someone her gender and class in 15th-Century France. Throughout her entire life, people would doubt her and go against her, however, no matter what the consequence may have been, she never backed down from what she had believed in. A big reason for this type of strength came from the faith she had in God from the very start of her childhood. Joan was canonized as a saint on May 16, 1920, and is the patron saint of France (1).

The short life of Joan of Arc demonstrates bravery, strength, and the true meaning of heroism. She teaches us that no matter what the risks may be, to always stand for what you believe in, in spite of who may be doubting you. Regardless if she was a woman, she fought for what she believed in, and even stood up to Charles, insisting on the fact that she belonged in the battle alongside all of the men. Joan ended up being the strongest, out of all the men, because she was the one who sacrificed herself in the end. 

(1) Editors, “Joan of Arc.”, A&E Networks Television, 18 Apr. 2019,

(2) Editors, “Joan of Arc.”, A&E Television Networks, 9 Nov. 2009,

(3) “Joan of Arc: Facts & Biography.” LiveScience, LiveScience, 19 July 2003,


  1. This is really interesting I never knew that Joan of Arc had so many charges pressed against her. That is remarkable that at such a young age, she showed so much strengths and did not change her morals or beliefs. It is incredible how early the times were, and how she fought because of her beliefs.

  2. I already knew that Joan was a very powerful young woman and that she was true to beliefs. I think this article did a very good job at explaining exactly what she did through those important stages if her life. I like that Joan was thought of for this blog because she's a hero, even if for a while people didn't recognize that.

  3. I found this blog very interesting Tori! I was not very familiar with Joan, but after reading this I am left with much to process. I like the way you emphasize how powerful she was at such a young age. It is truly a tragedy that she only lived until she was nineteen, she was a hero. Overall awesome blog!

  4. I was not familiar with Joan's story at all but i am glad that I now have this knowledge. She is undoubtedly a woman warrior who has endured so much in their lives that is not only brave and risky but so very empowering for all women. I love that she fought for what she believed in and even got out of an arranged marriage!


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