Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Issa Rae

I believe that Issa Rae is a Warrior Woman in the social activist field. She brings a lot to the new world with issues black people face and of course without a doubt what women face
everyday. She is the writer of the show Insecure and she has participated as an actress in the social project/movie The Hate You Give. Issa Rae represents so much more than herself and she knows that, the way she brings herself about helps make a statement for women. Her role as an actual activist in The Hate You Give creates a shift in the viewer’s eyes. The movie itself is a whole social statement but with elements like Issa Rae playing this activist leader it paves different routes for women in today’s society. 
Wow! Finally a strong black woman who lets us know what it is and asserts power without being a bitch. Issa Rae is a leading example of leadership at its finest. That is what makes her a woman warrior as a social activist. Her role in The Hate You Give did her justice. As the activist she did her best in bringing power without bringing hate. The movie attempted to make her a positive person in everyone else’s viewpoint and because of her golden past Issa Rae’s name held weight in this movie. The movie starred a black girl named Starr and Issa Rae’s character April Ofrah guides Starr to tell her story about her friend who was shot and killed by a policeman. Without throwing out there that she is a black woman making a difference she just does it. Sometimes women do not need a grand opening or presentation to reveal the fact that we are just as able and strong as men and that is something that Issa rae does well. 
 Insecure was a breakthrough for a lot of women. Insecure speaks right into womanhood and the everyday life of a woman. I was told multiple times I must watch and soon I came to agree it is a much watch. Issa Rae is a leading example of leadership at its finest. A woman who writes and directs is a powerful woman. I too want to be a screenwriter and director. I look up to Issa Rae as a social activist who gets her point across without having to stand on the road and protest. She catches attention through her art work, her shows and roles in the cinematic world. 
Even with the way carries herself sends positive messages to women all over America. I do not mean she dresses modestly or even being proper and prim I mean her messages in her interviews and her messages she sends to the public. Her message was making a statement to the eyes of many people. In womeninfilm.org they give her a spotlight mentioning her awards and what she has done for herself and women in general saying “This new award honors a promising talent in the fields of film, television, and/or digital media, whose professional pursuits are resulting in progress for the next generation of talented women. Its recipient has demonstrated a foundation for her career comprising of accomplishments marrying creative achievements and business acumen.”. They can agree on her abilities to send positive message and change the game and pave the way for other women. /https://womeninfilm.org/spotlight-on-issa-rae/ Image result for issa rae
Issa Rae paves the way not only for women but women in the directing and writing field. A field that is full of predominantly white men she steps in changes the game and changes the game for the better right alongside Shonda Ryhmes. The article proceeds to enlighten us on her abilities to help other women in the field by stating “In 2014, Rae founded ColorCreative, along with Deniese Davis, to increase opportunities for women and minority writers to showcase and sell their work, both inside and outside the existing studio system.” Her work does not just stop by showing her talents but she turns around to help women who are currently in her old shoes. 
Issa Rae is more than what she puts out there in her work and in her ability to make others laugh. She is an important milestone for everyone around her not just women but men too. She is young and will continue beyond her work because the sky's the limit and she is well aware. Her name will forever be remembered. She more than deserves the title of a Warrior Women Social Activist and that is why I hose her. 
Image result for issa rae
Issa Rae on Essence

1 comment:

  1. She is one fierce warrior! Having representation in media is incredibly important for minorities and her voice is a very valuable insight for not only women but also women of color. I love the show Insecure but I wasn't aware of The Hate You Give, I will definitely be adding it to my list of movies to watch!


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